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DOD Stereo Phasor FX20-B (modified)

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Condition: Used


This is a heavily modified DOD Stereo Phasor FX20-B. It doesn't really have 'vintage phase sounds' or anything like that any more. It's been bent and rehoused for maximum noise mayhem. It has 2 inputs with a MIX knob to control the amount of input 1 or input 2 ... also has 2 stereo outputs. Also has an addition 2 knobs that control feedback squeal and phase punch. The switch on the bottom right turns off and on the feedback squeal. The rest of the controls are the standard DOD faire: SPEEN, DEPTH, REGEN and then the almighty DOD false-bypass switch. Powered only by a standard 9-volt barrel type power adapter (like the 1SPOT).